Create sex-positive, pleasure affirming sexual healing beliefs

 Written by clinical somatic sexologist and embodied wellness coach, Mx. Lena Queen, LCSW, M.Ed. (Queen/they), this erotic self-reflection and sexual shadow work workbook, Healing The Erotic Self, will help you work through your sexual insecurities and self-doubt to create pleasure-affirming sexual healing narratives to dissolve sexual distress and heal your erotic embodiment, The Erotic Self.

This workbook is filled with self-reflection prompts that support your efforts to disrupt negative self-image and automatic negative thoughts caused by the uncomfortable emotions of shame, anxiety, depression and self-doubt. Learn how to use the erotic to create sex-positive healing narratives that will challenge societal assumptions and expectations (“The Defaults”) about sexuality. Whether for your personal or professional development, create a liberating healing framework to develop an empowered lovership.

Sexologist Queen takes their 20+ years of experience as a self-liberator, trauma-responsive social worker, and a healing-centered integrative psychotherapist, in addition to, their experience as a somatic sex therapist to introduce a liberatory healing framework to help you dissolve your negative sexual self-concept and support your journey towards sexual healing and sexual liberation.

Please note: This coaching program or services offered are not a replacement for therapy or medical intervention. If you are still tender in your healing, please ensure you have a supportive network to support you in your healing.

From a decolonial, integrative, and wholistic approach, this coaching in collaboration with other healing modalities including therapy, coaching, energy work, sexological bodywork and sex therapy is transformative.


What They Say

“Thank you so much for this opportunity. It really was a beautiful session and I’m so grateful to have been able to connect with you both.”


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Womynism Sacred Circle is the membership community for past attendees of the live event and for community members of Healing The Erotic Self Life Coaching Program.

Healing The Erotic Self

Reclaim Your Wholeness with The Erotic

© 2016 Maker Pty Ltd.

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